Focus and Scope

ReBraM is a multidisciplinary electronic scientific journal, addressed to the scientific community: teachers, researchers, students and professionals who acts in different areas of knowledge. The Brazilian Multidisciplinary Journal's mission is to disseminate knowledge through original manuscripts, expanding and promoting the debate on issues of interest to the scientific community and Brazilian society.

It is a quartely publication, with three editions corresponding to the periods from January to April, May to August and, the 3rd edition, corresponding to the period from September to December.

The papers should be classified in one of the following modalities:

a) Original articles: unpublished works of scientific research with a maximum of 25 pages, including figures, tables, charts, diagrams, etc;

b) Review articles: a detailed study on a specific topic, a critical and objective evaluation of the state of the art and the discussion necessary for the advancement of knowledge on the subject. They should have a maximum of 35 pages;

c) Scientific divulgation articles: synthesis of available knowledge on a given topic, through analysis and interpretation of relevant bibliography, with a maximum of 25 pages;

d) Short communications: preliminary research results, with a maximum of 15 pages, including figures, tables and references;

e) Book Reviews: relevant reviews or analyzes that can keep the academic community informed about the progress of the reflections in the area, with a maximum of 15 pages;

ReBraM fully adopts the Good Practices of Scientific Publication: a manual for authors, reviewers, editors and members of Editorial Board - Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Manuscripts not in accordance with the Publication Rules will be returned to the authors.



Peer Review Process

The manuscripts received by the Brazilian Multidisciplinary Journal - REBRAM are submitted to the peer review process. The editorial board chooses external reviewers, experts in the area discussed in the manuscript, being responsible for conducting blind evaluation. These opinions are sent to the authors, for possible revision, according to the suggestions and corrections. The manuscripts are forwarded for publication only after the end of the evaluation by the external experts and the approval by the editorial board of the journal.

The criteria for the evaluation of the manuscripts take into account the relevance of the theme, clarity of the text, appropriateness of the bibliography, structure and theoretical development, methodology used, and contributions offered to the area.

The board of reviewers (in charge of peer-review) receives the texts anonymously and decides for their publication. In case of conflicting opinions, the editor assesses the need for a new opinion. Refused articles are returned to authors. Only papers that are in accordance to the guidelines of the Journal are submitted to appreciation. Approved articles may suffer editorial changes since they do not alter its merits.


Publication Frequency

From 2018 onwards the Brazilian Journal Multidisciplinary - ReBraM, started to publish three editions that correspond to the periods from January to April, May to August, and the third edition, corresponding to the period from September to December.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the principle of making available free scientific knowledge to the public by providing greater global democratization of knowledge.

Fees for submission and publication of texts

The Brazilian Multidisciplinary Journal - ReBraM, edited by the Nucleus of Scientific Production (NPC), does not charge any fees for published texts nor for those submitted for evaluation, revision, publication, distribution or download.