Love Relationship: Affective-Sexual Experiences of Young People Nowadays

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Natália Souza Nogueira
Adriana Rodrigues Zocca
Luci Regina Muzzeti
Paulo Rennes Marçal RIBEIRO


Love experiences have changed along time and have set new meanings, especially for young people. Thus, this qualitative research aimed at understanding the meanings of love relationships, hooking up and dating in the vision of ten adolescents between 17 and 23 years old using a questionnaire. The results revealed that the hooking up is permeated by kisses, fondling and even by sexual intercourse in a short period of time and often through the intermediary of a friend at the time of the conquest. The commitment of dating, on the other hand, is established when love is present in the relationship. Therefore, adolescents revealed that opt for dating, which can begin in the hooking up. However, in the opinion of the participants, the young people's preference nowadays is the hooking up.


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How to Cite
Nogueira, N. S., Zocca, A. R., Muzzeti, L. R., & RIBEIRO, P. R. M. (2014). Love Relationship: Affective-Sexual Experiences of Young People Nowadays. Revista Brasileira Multidisciplinar, 17(1), 127-134.
Artigos Originais
Author Biographies

Natália Souza Nogueira, Unesp – Araraquara-SP

Mestrado em Educação Sexual – Unesp – Araraquara-SP

Adriana Rodrigues Zocca, Unesp – Araraquara-SP

Mestrado em Educação Sexual – Unesp – Araraquara-SP

Luci Regina Muzzeti, Unesp – Araraquara-SP.

Professora-doutora do Departamento de Didática – Unesp – Araraquara-SP.

Paulo Rennes Marçal RIBEIRO, Unesp – Araraquara-SP.

Professor-doutor do Departamento de Psicologia da Educação – Unesp – Araraquara-SP.


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