Building project based on biomimicry principles of cerrado termites

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Antônio Marcos da Silva Oliveira
Zulina Matoso da Costa Silva
Lourdiane Gontijo das Mercês Gonzaga


Biomimicry comprehends the search for principles developed by living beings and natural mechanisms for application within the most varied human activities. It can be said that this new science is in the process of development within several areas of research. The study of termite habitats and the ventilation process used by these insects has proven to be a highly feasible alternative, as demonstrated by some constructions developed in Africa and Australia. Therefore, the present work involved the creation of a bioinspired building model in an attempt to apply the principles found in the literature regarding the housing format and the self-cooling process used by termites of the species Cornitermes cumulans, very common in the Brazilian cerrado. This model was inspired by the profile and mechanism of air circulation of the analyzed mounds, involving the elaboration of a three-dimensional project and its subsequent rendering.


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How to Cite
Oliveira, A. M. da S., Silva, Z. M. da C., & Gonzaga, L. G. das M. (2021). Building project based on biomimicry principles of cerrado termites. Revista Brasileira Multidisciplinar, 24(3), 205-215.
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Author Biographies

Antônio Marcos da Silva Oliveira, CEFET-MG UNIASSELVI UNYLEYA

Engenheiro Civil (CEFET-MG). Pós-Graduado em Engenharia de Produção e MBA em Gestão Pública (UNIASSELVI). Pós-Graduando em Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais (UNYLEYA).

Zulina Matoso da Costa Silva, CEFET-MG

Graduanda em Engenharia Civil (CEFET-MG)

Lourdiane Gontijo das Mercês Gonzaga, CEFET-MG UFMG

Doutora em Engenharia de Estruturas (UFMG).


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