The Brazilian Multidisciplinary Journal - ReBraM is a multidisciplinary publication of the Nucleus of Scientific Production of the University of Araraquara – UNIARA. An Open Acess quartely publication that receives manuscripts continuously with no processing charges. It aims to disseminate contributions of the scientific community in different fields of knowledge.
Edited since 1997 by the University of Araraquara-Uniara, initially it was named “Revista Uniara” with printed and online publications. Throughout its 21 years of existence, it has been consolidated as a motivating element for the dissemination of knowledge in the academic field.
In 2016, the periodic underwent important reformulations, one of them was the change of its name to Brazilian Multidisciplinary Journal (Revista Brasileira Multidisciplinar) - ReBraM.
Papers from different areas can be submitted to the journal at any time and are subsequently evaluated by ad hoc consultants with extensive experience in the field described in the manuscript.
In terms of editorial management, the Open Journal Systems (OJS) platform of the Public Knowledge Project (PKP) is used, an editorial system that is used in Brazil under the name of Electronic Journaling System (Sistema Eletrônico de Editoração de Revistas - SEER) customized by the Brazilian Institute of Information in Science and Technology (Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia – IBICT).
Current Issue
Vol. 28 No. 1 (2025): Janeiro - Abril