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The demand for public security gained strength and space in the last presidential elections in Brazil. Given this scenario and the attempts to make access to the carrying and possession of weapons more flexible, there has been an increase in the number of people with access to such instruments. In this way, the field of psychological assessment is invited to participate in these processes through the application of methods and techniques that seek to identify and base behavioral and psychological profiles compatible with legal requirements. It aimed, therefore, to elucidate the national production, in the last five years, on the theme of Psychological Assessment for the Concession of Carrying or Possession of Firearms. This is an integrative literature review of national publications within the range from January 1, 2017 to September 15, 2021. The consultation platforms were: CAPES, SciELO and Google Scholar. Thus, 187 publications were initially found. Subsequently, through the inclusion and exclusion criteria, eight articles were selected to be analyzed. From this follow-up, publications were found referring to the historical trajectory of the field of psychological assessment, as well as the legal instruments that underlie the processes of granting the possession and possession of firearms. In addition, research was verified that deal with instruments used in the evaluation processes, such as the Desiderative Questionnaire and the Zulliger Test. Finally, there are still few national publications referring to the subject of psychological assessment in the subject studied, which justifies greater investment in the area.
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