Nutritional and Physical Factors that Interfere in the Quality of Life of Elderly People

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Daniela Galassi Andreotti
Maria Leonor Ruiz Veiga
Marina Miguel Giovanelli de Moraes
Maristela de Fátima Damião Begnami
Wilson Nicola Júnior Cogliatti
Rita de Cássia Garcia Pereira


Population aging is a Brazilian reality and a challenging aspect for public health since functional changes that are inherent to such process occur which should be taken into consideration in order to provide the elderly with good quality of life so that they can go through this process healthly. This review article aims to discuss the issue of aging from the perspective of nutrition and physical activity, highlighting the main nutrition and physical factors that affect the quality of human life during the aging process considering the raise in life expectancy and the increasing participation of the elderly in society, especially in developing countries like Brazil. The knowledge of these causes and the intervention of nutritionists and fitness trainers will allow such population to have its dietary needs met according to its needs, physical training tailored to the conditions of their bodies and, consequently, better health and independence to continue performing day-to-day activities.


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How to Cite
Andreotti, D. G., Veiga, M. L. R., de Moraes, M. M. G., Damião Begnami, M. de F., Cogliatti, W. N. J., & Garcia Pereira, R. de C. (2013). Nutritional and Physical Factors that Interfere in the Quality of Life of Elderly People. Revista Brasileira Multidisciplinar, 16(2), 27-35.
Artigos Originais
Author Biographies

Daniela Galassi Andreotti, UNIARA

Bacharel em Nutrição – UNIARA

Maria Leonor Ruiz Veiga, UNIARA

Bacharel e Licenciada em Educação Física - UNIARA.

Marina Miguel Giovanelli de Moraes, UNIFIA

Bacharel em Nutrição – UNIFIA.

Maristela de Fátima Damião Begnami, Faculdade Santa Giulia.

Bacharel em Nutrição/Faculdade Santa Giulia.

Wilson Nicola Júnior Cogliatti, UNIP

Bacharel e Licenciado em Educação Física – UNIP.

Rita de Cássia Garcia Pereira, UNIARA

Nutricionista/Docente do curso de Nutrição – UNIARA.