Prevalence of Haemoglobine s in Araraquara-SP Population.

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Bruno Rocha de Jesus
Heloise Brait Rin
Elza Regina Manzolli Leite
Amauri Antiquera Leite
Miriane da Costa Gileno


The Sickle Cell Anemia is a genetic hemoglobionopathy, characterized by an alteration in the hemoglobin molecule struture (HbA1), called hemoglobin S (HbS), which causes a distortion in the erythocytes structure, changing from spherical shape to sickle shape (sickle-cell), a sickling phenomenon, which leads to severe anemia in homozygous, while sickle cell trait (heterozygote) leads to pain crisis, according to pathophysiology, in low O2 blood pressure situations. The most specific and sensitive test used to diagnose this anemia is the hemoglobin eletrophoresis test, which is, however, hard to be incorporated in routine laboratories, due to its high cost. The objective of this work was to estimate the sickle cell trait prevalence in Araraquara - SP population. The prevalence of asymptomatic individuals with the sickle cell trait was 1.5%. Considering the study of race prevalence, 0,6% of sickle cell trait in white individuals and 15,4% in black ones were found.


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How to Cite
Jesus, B. R. de, Rin, H. B., Leite, E. R. M., Leite, A. A., & Gileno, M. da C. (2008). Prevalence of Haemoglobine s in Araraquara-SP Population. Revista Brasileira Multidisciplinar, 11(2), 230-237.
Artigos Originais
Author Biographies

Bruno Rocha de Jesus, Centro Universitário de Araraquara – Uniara.

Biomédico formado.

Heloise Brait Rin, Centro Universitário de Araraquara – Uniara.

Biomédico formado.

Elza Regina Manzolli Leite, (FCF UNESP) Araraquara

Farmacêutica-Bioquímica, Mestre em Análises Clínicas (FCF UNESP), responsável pelo setor de Imuno-hematologia do Hemonúcleo da UNESP de Araraquara, professora dos Cursos de Especialização em Hematologia e Hemoterapia – Barão de Mauá.

Amauri Antiquera Leite, UNESP

Mestre e Doutor em Farmácia Clínica do Curso de Farmácia-Bioquímica – UNESP, Análises Clínicas (FCF USP), professor de Hematologia vice-coordenador do Centro de Referência Diagnósticas – NACUNESP.

Miriane da Costa Gileno, (FCF UNESP) / Uniara.

Mestre e Doutora em Análises Clínicas (FCF UNESP), professora de Hematologia Clínica e Bioquímica e Enzimologia Clínica – Uniara e professora de Hematologia Clínica nos Cursos de Especialização em Análises Clínicas e Hematologia e Hemoterapia – Barão de Mauá.

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